Peter Pan Playgroup
Registered Charity 1031364 OFSTED Registration 113640
Tel: 07745 255501
How does the early years setting know if children need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs or disabilities?
Children are regularly observed and assessed by the key person and all staff members to monitor individual needs, progression and development. This informs our planning and curriculum provision the stage at which each child is at. Once a child has been accepted we hold discussions with staff and parents/carers where concerns can be raised. Should a child require additional support the key person will discuss this with the inclusion officer (INCO) and plans will then be discussed with parents/carers and relevant staff.
Support may then be requested from targeted setting support, our point of contact to support children with additional support needs within West Sussex. We may refer a child to speech and language or contact their health visitor for support, parents/Carers are also signposted to our local Children’s Family Centre who can offer extra assistance to families.
How will early years setting staff support my child?
The key person will oversee and plan the educational programme of a child and will work closely with parents/carers, INCO, outside agencies etc. Their role will be to monitor the child’s development and put provisions into place to progress the child within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Each child is appointed a key person and they will liaise with the parents/carers keeping them informed and updated and are responsible for individualised programmes. Children are supported through individual support, small group teaching and by monitoring their progress.
How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
Each child has a Learning Journal which is an observational based assessment. Within the Learning Journal children have an ‘Individual Progress Review’ which monitors individual progress within the EYFS. Next steps are planned for with parents/carers to meet individual children’s needs from their interests to work towards their child’s next steps.
How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?
Parent/carers are encouraged to discuss with their key person any concerns or issues they may have regarding their child at the beginning or end of a session or can arrange an appointment where necessary. By sharing the learning journal and next steps with parents/carers progress is regularly monitored and discussed. A home/setting book will be implemented where required to support home/setting learning. Next Steps, Play plans and Individual learning plans are planned regularly and shared with parents/carers and ideas given for home support/learning.
What support will there be for my child’s overall well being?
If staff at Playgroup administer medicine the directions should be in writing and signed by the parent.
A health care plan will be drawn up with parents/carers and outside agencies and a detailed risk assessment will be made on how to meet the health care plan. For more complex needs a designated staff member or outside medical professional will administer the medication needed provided funding is available.
All children are supported by their key person and INCO. Measures are put in place to support behavioural management as per our ‘Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy’. We work closely with parents/carers and outside agencies to implement the strategies set out. As far as can be possible, all children are safe within the setting due to risk assessments, monitoring, high staff/children ratios and training.
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the early years setting?
Through targeted setting support we have access to Speech and Language Therapy (SALT), Portage, Educational Psychologists, Physiotherapists, Behaviour support etc. We also have a local Children’s Family Centre and Health Visitors.
What training are the staff, supporting children with SEND, had or are having?
All staff are trained in Child Protection, Health and Safety and Paediatric First Aid. Designated staff are also trained in SENCO, Promoting Positive Behaviour, Including all children, Speech and Language and say it and sign it (sign language). We have a designated INCO.
How will my child be included in activities outside the early years setting including trips?
All children are included in activities outside the setting. Detailed risk assessments will be undertaken. We increase our ratios for walks by asking parents to help and use pushchairs and/or other equipment where needed.
How accessible is the early years setting environment? (Indoors and outdoors)
Our building is fully wheelchair accessible being on ground level. Changing nappies are done on a changing mat on the floor in the committee room. The toilets are private, with easy access and are adult size, with steps and toddler seats provided. The setting can be set up to meet the use of wheelchair users with plenty of space between tables and floor activities. We have visual timetables to support change of routine and settling in. We have visual posters with photos supporting routines. We have multi language posters to support children with English as an additional language (EAL). We are regularly using Say it and Sign it within the setting. Activities will be adapted to meet children’s needs. Our outside area is all on one level and can be accessed by a ramp. We cannot offer free flow play between inside and outside due to a small access road being between the two areas, however, every child is offered the opportunity for time outside during most sessions and staff help and monitor the children entering the garden at all times.
How will the early years setting prepare and support my child to join the early years setting, transfer to a new setting/school?
Parents/carers and children are invited to attend ‘stay and play’ sessions to meet the staff and familiarise themselves with the hall to prepare them for when they start.
We offer an Explorer session for the children that will be ‘moving on’ to school and invite the Reception teachers into the setting, to meet the children. We take trips to visit relevant schools with the children when possible, working closely with the schools with additional visits for the children who need it. We share information with reception teachers regarding each child’s needs and stages.
How are the early years setting’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?
We carefully assess, monitor and review each individuals needs. Resources are then allocated so that individuals have full access to the curriculum.
The funding allocated depends on the additional needs of the child. If enhanced funding is allocated an additional staff member may be employed to help support the setting and look after the welfare of the child. Additional staff training as necessary and resources or equipment to support the child to achieve their full potential will be purchased as per the funding.
How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?
Parents/carers, key person, INCO and a representative from Targeted Setting Support will all have an input into the decision making to assess the level of support needed. Once an IEP has been implemented it will be monitored and regularly reviewed by professionals involved.
How are parents involved in the early years setting? How can I be involved?
Parents/carers can phone or email the setting directly. Parents/carers are also encouraged to liaise with key workers about their child’s development and meetings are regularly planned. Learning journals are regularly shared with parents/carers and can be sent home to share if necessary. We send out a questionnaire annually for parents/carers, the results are examined and action is taken by the supervisors and staff as appropriate. We email to all parents/carers a newsletter each term and have a regularly updated website. The newsletter is also put on our notice board. On the notice board is information regarding our planning and other useful information for parents/carers . We operate a stay and play for parents/carers to observe and join in with their child’s play. Parents/carers are given ideas to support their child at home on their child’s ‘next steps’.
Who can I contact for further information?
Our Manager/Supervisor and lead practitioners Jennie Beauchamp and Angie Durrant are available for you to contact for an initial chat regarding your child. Our designated SENCO/INCO, Cherry Finn will be happy to discuss with you any specific educational requirements. They can be contacted via our email or during setting hours on 07745 255501.
We always encourage new parent/carers to visit the setting.
West Sussex County Council Local Offer