Peter Pan Playgroup
Registered Charity 1031364 OFSTED Registration 113640
Tel: 07745 255501
A fee of £40 is payable to register at Peter Pan Playgroup and be placed on the waiting list. You will receive a refund in your first term’s fees. If Peter Pan are unable to offer a place, your deposit will be refunded.
We try our best to accommodate everyone on the start date and session requested, but we can only guarantee places that start at the beginning of the school year in September. If you require a start date later in the year you will be put on a waiting list and will be contacted 4-6 weeks before your start date to confirm the date and the sessions that we can offer your child. Please be aware that you will be required to defer your start date until the following school year if you wish to start at or after Easter. If this is the case you may enquire at the time that your child would be due to start to see if there are any places available.
Holidays and any absence due to illness during term time must still be paid for. Due to staff to child ratios we are unable to offer alternative sessions to make up for lost sessions or swap sessions to accommodate other arrangements. If your child is ill are your requested to keep them at home until they are well. If they are suffering from any sickness, diarrhoea or contagious illness you are requested to keep your child at home for 48 hours or until they are no longer contagious as advised by a doctor.
We request half a term's notice in writing if you wish to withdraw your child. If you wish to leave without giving notice you will be charged half a term's fees in lieu of notice.
An invoice will be raised at the beginning of every half term. Payment should be made by cheque, cash or internet banking. This should be paid promptly within 2 weeks of receipt. Fees that remain unpaid will incur a 10% charge until the debt is cleared. Failure due pay fees may result in your child’s place at Peter Pan being withdrawn.
If payment is made by cheque, please be aware that this may take up to 6 weeks to be paid in, please ensure that sufficient funds are available. Any costs incurred due to a bounced cheque will be passed on.
Please note that any overpayment of fees or refunds due up to £10 will be carried forward to the next half term’s fees. If the amount overpaid or to be refunded is over £10 or this is your child’s last term with Peter Pan then a full refund will be made.
It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that all emergency contact details are kept up to date. If you change your telephone number please ensure that Peter Pan has the new number.